Sunday 21 June 2015

Why Mass Shootings Don't Bother Me.

Somebody shot somebody today. Somebody may have shot multiple somebodies today. A few days ago there was a mass murder in a church. A few days from now there may be one in a mall or a school or a factory or yes, even a post office.

Beyond mass murders, there have are individual one-on-one murders - one person shot here, another person shot over there. There are even murders that are of more than one person, say a mother and her child and then the shooter ex-boyfriend, that don't quite qualify as 'mass'. I don't buy anymore that people are outraged by it.

Clearly America has made its choice. Society has made its grand bargain and it is this: regular mass murders are an acceptable price to pay for not having to change gun laws. Yes, they are unfortunate - especially if you are involved somehow (but that's the risk you run for the privilege of living in status quo America - and who doesn't love that) - but a fair trade off when you consider the benefits of allowing people and companies to make money off producing, promoting and selling guns. What do you want, communism? Socialism? Regulation? Peace?

The tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of victims and the powerless - that's just the way it is. Those African-Americans who died in the church shooting were patriots who willingly gave up their lives for America's gun freedom and should be honoured as the heroes they are (were). Because of them and their willingness to put there lives on the line, and the willingness of all Americans who put their, and their loved ones', lives on the line everyday in every schoolhouse, daycare and street of the country, the United States of America remains free of government
interference in the business of guns. The U.S. stands as a beacon of hope, a shining example to peaceful but insignificant countries like Norway, Australia, Canada, the hated France, or Costa Rica.

But not just Americans die to defend these freedoms. America's destiny is to be leader, not just off the free word, but of the entire world, and the export, sale, and smuggling of guns around the world, the flooding of the world with guns, is part of fulfilling that leadership. Guns make America great and America makes the world great. If it wasn't for war and murder, what would we watch on TV? More cooking shows? Masterpiece Theatre? In depth political journalism? Science?

Freedom doesn't mean security, it means the opportunity to make money, and lives cannot be sacred - everyone's going to die anyway - but money can be, because it is immortal. It can be passed down from generation to generation to generation. In a truly religious nation it is eternal life that is important, not this temporary, finite life as church-goers, or grade school students, or movie theatre patrons. God has given us freedom and we must use it or lose it, and nothing says 'freedom' like having the power to end some stranger's life any time you want to, just because you feel like it. And what country has done more for freedom than the United States?

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